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A 'Must Do' Career Reflection for 2025


As we are about to turn the page on 2024 and enter 2025, it behooves each and every one of us- no matter our job title, background, education level, gender, race, etc., to quietly reflect on our individual career journeys to date.

And, so I encourage you- grab a notebook- to start right now- a career journal for 2025 as I walk you through 7 essential prompts to help you navigate your career in 2025:

R: Read

  • What did I read a lot of this past year?

  • What do I want to read more of in 2025?

E: Easy

  • What came easily to me in 2024?

  • Was it always 'easy' for me, or did I work at my craft and perfect my expertise to make it easier?

F: Fun

  • What was the 'fun' part of my job or work?

  • How often did I truly enjoy my work this past year... like hours per day/ months per year? Be specific in terms of the percentage of a given week you enjoyed.

L: Laborious

  • How much of my workday is truly laborious or not so enjoyable... typically?

  • Why is that? Is it attributable to people, places, clients or things?

  • Do I have what I need in order to do my best work?

  • Do I know what I need in order to do my best work?

E: Energize

  • How often did I arrive at work each day energized and just so ready to take on the day?

    • Why or why not?

  • What are 2 things you could do in the new year to bring more energy and excitement to your work, those around you and those whom you serve in your work?

C: Cut

  • What unproductive habits did you cut from your career journey last year?

  • Or, what unproductive habits, people, places or things are standing in your way that you NEED TO CUT in 2025?

T: Time

  • How did you spend your time in 2024? Wisely? Pointedly? Openly? Scarcely?

  • What needs to change in 2025?

  • What fences or boundaries do you need to set in order to be focused on what is best for you and your career?

  • What are 2 things you want to spend more time doing in order to grow in your career?

Careers don't happen in straight lines and careers don't just happen at all. Period.

They take deliberate cultivation, exposure, experience, mentoring, evaluation and desire along with alignment with your strengths and values.

Here is to a happy and healthy career trajectory in 2025.

If you'd like to discuss your career plans and career development for 2025, just pick a complimentary spot on my calendar for your career strategy session.

"Life is full of choices. Focus on what you can control."

Julie Shore



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