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How to Love at Work


We often don't bring the word 'love' into the workplace setting as it tends to denote more personal meaning and be applicable to personal or family relationships.

However, in recent years, happiness at work has been linked to this concept of 'love' at work.

Years ago I was introduced to a book entitled, Love Works: Seven Timeless Principles for Effective Leaders by Joel Manby. (I've linked the book to Amazon in case you are curious!) Joel was a CEO for companies like Sea World and Saab and tells multiple stories throughout the book on how he has demonstrated 'love' to his employees throughout his career. Throughout the book, Joel offers many great anecdotes of how he demonstrated love and kindness to solve problems in the business setting.

So, what does love at work look like?

Love at work is:

  1. Treating others the way you want to be treated.

  2. Always being kind and respectful in communication- written and spoken.

  3. Not holding grudges and being able to agree to disagree.

  4. Providing honest and timely feedback.

  5. Differing in opinions and approaches but striving toward the same goal respectfully.

  6. Trusting others to do their job and not hovering or micro-managing.

  7. Second chances.

  8. Not assuming the worst in others. Might there be other explanations?

  9. Avoiding office drama.

  10. Being transparent and willing to say things such as, 'I don't know,' or 'I'm sorry- I made a mistake. Let me fix it.'

    When you are clear on your values, leading with love or contributing with love is easy. Will your values be challenged throughout your career? Of course they will. But you get to choose each day, each hour to reset and lead with love from your position. You don't need a leadership title to lead with love or act with love.

    Instead, you can model the way anytime you choose.

Looking for happiness at work, review this 'love at work' list.

Can you bring your best self to work each day? If not, let's chat soon!

To not use your gifts and talents to their full potential is a disservice to others.- Julie Shore



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