Kolbe™ Career Development Program
Businesses change. People change. Needs change. Roles change.
Sometimes individuals or teams need coaching and development.
Sometimes jobs turn out to not utilize individual best strengths.
We help employees grow and teams diffuse conflict, best utilize their time and become more productive with our Kolbe Program.
Ways in which we've improved client success:
Kolbe™ Team Success Workshops- resulted in improved communication, awareness of team strengths thereby removing preconceived notions and personality conflicts.
Role Alignment Coaching & Conflict Coaching- enabling individuals to know their strengths and identify the tasks and responsibilities they should be performing based upon their strengths.
Kolbe A to A Coaching- proactive awareness of team member strengths on what someone will or won't do at work and their potential for conflict.
Curious what type of team you are?
Take this short 7 question team survey HERE now.
Knowing individuals' and team's strengths are half the battle of working more productively and efficiently, as well as communicating effectively. It doesn't have to be personal.
What is the Kolbe™ Program? Learn more here.